Friday, October 5, 2012

Are you Diabetic ?

People are one of the most important and a valuable resource of a country .The growth of a country depends on the happiness and healthy inputs of its citizens. The basis of this swirls inwards to how healthy a single family or a single person is in the country. Not all are happy with the results. Due to over exposure of western cultures and  change in lifestyle , people eat fast foods and falls prey to obesity at a younger age which paves way to many disease from high cholesterol, Diabetes and Blood pressure.

Osteoporosis and Women

About 80 percent of the women in India have been affected by Osteoporosis and is seen prevalent in the age group of 40 to 60. As the name indicates 'porous bones' [“osteo – bones, porosis –porus], is disease that occurs due to aging and weakening of the Bones. One of the main factors of this disease is the change in Lifestyle and ingesting unhealthy foods that is grown using pesticides and insecticides.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Women’s Health and Smoking

I have often been told that as a woman I should not touch a cigarette, often by smokers of the opposite gender. Every one of those times I had reacted quite violently. What gave any man who smokes the right to tell me that I shouldn’t be doing what he does? What sort of hypocrisy is that? The feminist side of me never could accept that I should not be doing something simply because I am a woman. Mind you, I don’t really smoke myself. But even then, I don’t see why I should not react to such comments.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

PMS and How to Tackle It

Did you know that PMS or Premenstrual Syndrome is a condition that is experienced by more than 75% of today’s women?  Surprisingly, when asked, most women deny suffering from this condition. But think about it. How many times have the men in our lives complained about those unmanageable mood swings and unexplained snappy behavior? If you are a woman, you must know that feeling when you are trying to explain just how irritable you feel, how much you are suffering and how you feel like you have the right to be snappy. Strangely, it was only your mother, sister or best friend who understood what you meant.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How Far Can You Fight Aging

aging starts as early as in the twenties

Aging is a reality. No matter how much we want to deny the facts, the truth is every one of us will start aging as early as in our twenties. According to our lifestyles, for some, it would be in the late twenties and for others in the early part of twenties itself. In this century, both men and women are worried about their looks and appearances. It is no longer the woman’s concern alone to ensure that the wrinkles and lines do not show on her face. Men are equally aware about it. So, how does aging occur?