Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How Far Can You Fight Aging

aging starts as early as in the twenties

Aging is a reality. No matter how much we want to deny the facts, the truth is every one of us will start aging as early as in our twenties. According to our lifestyles, for some, it would be in the late twenties and for others in the early part of twenties itself. In this century, both men and women are worried about their looks and appearances. It is no longer the woman’s concern alone to ensure that the wrinkles and lines do not show on her face. Men are equally aware about it. So, how does aging occur?

What Are the Kinds of Aging?
Before we can talk about pushing back the start of aging, we need to know how or why it occurs. If we could say that aging is only to do with age, then truly we would have had very few ways of delaying it.  But the truth is, along with increasing age, aging depends on a lot of other things. The major causes of early aging are:
  • ·        Erratic lifestyle
  • ·        Excessive exposure to the sun.
Erratic lifestyle can mean anything from not taking care of your skin to excessive consumption of alcohol and smoking. Yes, all these things can greatly hasten the process of aging. You will see fine lines, spots and wrinkles on your face, much faster than one who leads a healthy life. The other enemy that you have to deal with is none other than the sun. The more you are exposed to it, the faster your skin is going to lose its youthful glow. So how can you combat these perils?
wash your face at regular intervals

How to Fight Aging Process:
The first and the very best way to keep your skin looking young and fresh for longer is to lead a healthy life.
  •   Check your smoking and drinking habits, if you have any. 
  •   Drink a lot of water. It really is a great way to keep your body happy.
  •  Eat a lot of healthy food like vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Use olive oil in your cooking as it is   much healthier than the other options available. 
  •  The next and very important way to keep your skin happy and young is, to sleep well.
enough sleep can keep the wrinkles to a bare minimum

In order to protect your skin from the harm caused by the sun’s rays, add a sunscreen to your everyday skincare routine. Along with that, keep your skin clean and hydrated. Use a suitable face wash, a toner and a very good moisturizer every single day.  Even though it sounds really simple, these are the things that will help you win your battle against aging.
Remember that you cannot stop aging permanently. It is normal and it will happen. All you can hope to do is slow it down a little and perhaps, reduce its intensity. Of course, if you feel it’s absolutely necessary, clinical treatments that can reduce signs of aging are also available. Discuss with a dermatologist to decide which treatment is best suited for you.

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