Friday, October 5, 2012

Are you Diabetic ?

People are one of the most important and a valuable resource of a country .The growth of a country depends on the happiness and healthy inputs of its citizens. The basis of this swirls inwards to how healthy a single family or a single person is in the country. Not all are happy with the results. Due to over exposure of western cultures and  change in lifestyle , people eat fast foods and falls prey to obesity at a younger age which paves way to many disease from high cholesterol, Diabetes and Blood pressure.

Osteoporosis and Women

About 80 percent of the women in India have been affected by Osteoporosis and is seen prevalent in the age group of 40 to 60. As the name indicates 'porous bones' [“osteo – bones, porosis –porus], is disease that occurs due to aging and weakening of the Bones. One of the main factors of this disease is the change in Lifestyle and ingesting unhealthy foods that is grown using pesticides and insecticides.