Friday, October 5, 2012

Are you Diabetic ?

People are one of the most important and a valuable resource of a country .The growth of a country depends on the happiness and healthy inputs of its citizens. The basis of this swirls inwards to how healthy a single family or a single person is in the country. Not all are happy with the results. Due to over exposure of western cultures and  change in lifestyle , people eat fast foods and falls prey to obesity at a younger age which paves way to many disease from high cholesterol, Diabetes and Blood pressure.
These diseases are very common now and they occur to all age groups not even sparing kids from five years old to aged people .One can see at least one person is being affected in a family due to improper eating habits. For these people, Medicines top the list of foods to be taken everyday in their life .Along with these medications, exercise also plays an important role for a normal lifestyle.

There exists certain yogic posture which has proved to be helpful for people suffering from Diabetes and Blood pressure although careful planning is needed. Yoga can normalizes blood-glucose level by gently massaging as well as by stimulating the internal organs which are responsible for the carbohydrate metabolism. While there is no one magical asana [yoga pose], there are many that would stabilize the digestion, absorption, and proper elimination in the body. Yoga should be done only under supervision of a certified yoga instructor in order to achieve its full benefits as certain yoga posture may not be good for diabetic patients as some may be beneficial in controlling the same.

If you don’t find a proper instructor, don’t worry. Our old and best therapy is always at our hand. Jogging and Walking after food helps in better metabolism burning down the fats and thereby making the body fit and healthy. Have a habit of walking daily after eating food.

In addition to these exercises and yoga, a healthy diet should be followed. Food in itself is a medicine when taken in right food, the right amount at the right time. Without controlling what goes inside you stomach, we cannot control diabetes. Fats and Cholesterol related products should always be avoided. As we know, no more sweetened tooth for diabetic patients and all that contain sugar and sugar related products should be avoided too. Instead include a lot of greens and vegetables in the food and they should be eaten at specific interval giving the body time to digest them. These measure are proven effective for a healthy lifestyle and the diabetic patients can still lead a normal life like other people

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